Diane Neumann & Associates

Divorce Mediation Services

Since 1981

Newton, Massachusetts

Free Information Packet

Our Services
A Divorce Agreement
Common Questions
Mediation Contract


DIVORCE mediation

A mediated divorce creates a Divorce Agreement that is fair to each person. Studies show that mediation results in emotionally healthier adults, improved communication between ex-spouses, better adjustment for children, and significant financial and tax savings for each person.  

Our Clients and Our Goals:

Our goals are to help you make informed decisions, conserve financial resources and minimize emotional upheaval during your divorce. For over twenty years, our firm has guided clients to equitable divorce settlements.  

Our Firm is Distinguished by:

§        Providing full-service mediation services

§        Reputation and leadership of its founder, Diane Neumann, Esq.

§        Client-focused services

§        A panel of highly-skilled mediators

§        An in-house parenting specialist, Dr. Lynn Cooper

§        Expertise on the many complex issues of divorce

§        Writing the legal Divorce Agreement

§        Significant cost savings to our clients

§        Highest level of satisfaction reported by clients

A Full-Service Divorce Mediation Firm:

Diane Neumann and Associates is the only firm in Massachusetts that provides all-inclusive services and coordination for every aspect of your separation and divorce. While many mediators write a Memorandum, our mediators write a legal Divorce Agreement. Providing this legal document directly for you saves considerable expense and effort.


One of our specialties is working with divorcing individuals often considered “not appropriate” for mediation because one spouse has significantly higher income and/or significantly more financial expertise. We work to ensure both parties make the best decisions.

Founder Diane Neumann, Esq.

Diane began her mediation practice in 1981.  She is recognized as one of the foremost mediators in the country.  Diane is the author of two highly acclaimed books: Divorce Mediation: How to Cut the Cost and Stress of Divorce and Choosing a Divorce Mediator, published by Henry Holt & Co. 


Diane’s noted areas of expertise are complex financial and tax matters as well as complicated parenting issues.  Her education includes a Masters degree in Counseling and a Law degree.  Her previous experience as a couples and family counselor, an Internal Revenue Service tax representative and as an attorney make her uniquely suited to help people work out the difficult challenges of separation and divorce.

Client-Focused Services:

We are committed to providing solid, up-to-date information to you in a manner that is clear and understandable. Your mediator is a knowledgeable and impartial professional who will assist you at each point in the process.


The mediators at Diane Neumann & Associates understand that you may begin mediation worried about having little or no knowledge of divorce. You may have heard that divorce is often a long, painful and expensive process, and you want something different.


Prior to mediation, clients often have these concerns:


§        Not understanding financial areas

§        A lack of knowledge of the legal implications in a divorce settlement

§        Unsure of what is fair

§        Inadequate communication with spouse

§        Children will be adversely affected by divorce

§        Divorce will be unnecessarily acrimonious and lengthy

§        Expensive attorney representation


We do not expect you to have any information concerning divorce – that’s our job.  Your mediator will demystify the divorce process, guiding you through each step.

Highly Skilled Mediators:

Our firm provides a distinguished panel of mediators.  Each mediator completes an extensive in-house training program and regularly consults with Diane Neumann.  This ensures the highest quality of services among all our associates. Each mediator is a member of the Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation.


You are hiring a mediator to perform three functions:

§        Manage the legal, financial and emotional maze of divorce

§        Assist you in reaching a fair divorce settlement that is tailored to your unique circumstances

§        Write a settlement that is in the court’s parameters for approval.

Parenting Specialist:

Parents may schedule a consultation with our on-site psychologist, Dr. Lynn Cooper, at any time.  Dr. Cooper is a specialist in child development, children’s adjustment to divorce and successful parenting arrangements.


Dr Cooper helps parents:

§        Determine the best time to talk to children about divorce

§        Plan the most appropriate way to convey information to children

§        Structure workable parenting arrangements

§        Separate the conflict in the relationship from the role as a parent


At Diane Neumann & Associates, we offer the highest expertise in mediating legal, financial and parenting issues.  We provide you with relevant and important information critical to reach a good settlement.  The expertise of each of our   mediators is what makes us the most highly respected mediation firm in Massachusetts .

Cost Savings Now & in Future Years:

Mediation is the most cost-effective way to obtain a divorce.  By choosing mediation you will:

§        Have one mediator who serves both of you fairly

§        Achieve settlement in less time and with less stress than with a litigated divorce

§        Avoid the adversarial costs of subpoenas, depositions and interrogatories

§        Attend a one-time court hearing rather than multiple costly hearings

§        Resolve future issues in your settlement, such as responsibility for college costs, thereby avoiding a return to court

Former Client Satisfaction:

Our previous mediation clients overwhelmingly comment on the excellence of our service. Former clients demonstrate their satisfaction by referring new clients to us and, in fact, referrals account for over 90% of our business. Providing a first-rate service is the source of our success.




Your mediator is not representing either of you as an attorney; therefore you may choose to consult with an attorney at any time during the mediation process.  We recommend that each of you have a consulting attorney review the Divorce Agreement before signing.