Diane Neumann & Associates
Full Service Divorce Mediation Firm Since 1981
(617) 964-7485


























Lynn Cooper, Ed.D.

DR. LYNN K. COOPER, Ed.D. is a licensed psychologist. Since 1975, she has specialized in child, family and couple relationships. Lynn trained as a mediator and added expertise to Diane Neumann & Associates in 1993.

Dr. Cooper is an expert in the assessment and treatment of behavioral problems in children, with expertise in treating children whose problems are related to separation and divorce. As a mediator, she works with parents who are in the process of coping with separation and divorce and want the best parenting arrangement for their children. Her work includes families with special needs children as well as children in nontraditional relationships.

As a divorce mediator, Lynn's expertise includes the full range of relevant financial and legal issues, as well as children's issues. She assists clients with a complete settlement involving all aspects of divorce: the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines and calculation, the marital home, health and life insurance, pension and retirement, taxes, both federal and state, as well as capital gains concerns.

Lynn is a former Vice President of the Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation. She is the Chairperson of the Certification Committee for the Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation. As chairperson, she reviews the credentials of mediators applying for certification as divorce mediators in Massachusetts. Lynn is a member of the Association for Conflict Resolution, a national association of practitioners.

In addition to her practice as a mediator, Lynn has a private practice as an individual and couple therapist, and in that role she helps couples who are choosing to stay together.

Lynn has presented workshops on mediation-related topics for the Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation, the General Federation of Women's Clubs, and the Divorce Center, Inc. She has provided mediation assistance to one of Boston's public schools. For several years, Lynn has been an instructor for Divorce Mediation Training Associates, a training group established in 1987 and has taught a dynamics-training course.

Lynn is a Board Certified Clinical Psychologist, a Fellow of the Academy of Clinical Psychology, both a past and current President of the Massachusetts Society of Clinical Psychologists, a member of the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, and is a licensed psychologist at the Health Service Provider level in Massachusetts.

Lynn received her B. A. from Brandeis University, where she was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She received her doctorate in counseling psychology from Boston University, having been the recipient of a three-year Title IV national Defense of Education Act fellowship.

Lynn lives in Newton with her husband and a three-legged Boston terrier. In her spare time, she enjoys choral singing in different parts of the world.

Lynn Cooper, Ed.D.

Conveniently located on Route 9, just east of 128 and the Mass Pike (MAP)
345 Boylston Street, Newton, Massachusetts •