From the ProducerKate Hudec

You have an opportunity to be the subject of a documentary film about divorce. Here are some questions you might have:

Who is Kate Hudec?

I have a 15 year history in documentary television production. For the PBS history series, American Experience, I produced “The Wright Stuff,” a biographical film about the Wright Brothers. For Turner Broadcasting, I co-produced 2 hours of “Driving Passion,” a 4-hour series about America’s fascination with the car. The bulk of my early career was on staff at NOVA, the PBS science series, where I associate produced “Secrets of the Psychics” and “Made In America,” as well as researched and developed potential NOVA films and produced online features. I have also written for “Peep,” an animated children’s program that is currently airing on PBS and The Learning Channel. This documentary will be my first independent film.

What is the purpose of this documentary?

To explore the experience of divorce using mediation.

Will this be like the “reality” shows I see on TV?

No. The goal of this program is to inform, not to entertain. I’m looking to make a thought provoking, even-handed film that documents a divorce. I’m interested in finding the universality in your experience, so that others can relate it to their own lives.

Has a divorce mediation ever been filmed before?

Not to my knowledge. It would be a documentary first. Like the films that first documented childbirth, family life and death, this film would record a common yet profound human experience.

Who would see this film?

The film is being made for a broad audience. We hope it will air on TV in the U.S. as well as in other countries, that it will be released on home video, distributed to schools and libraries, and that it will appear in film festivals and possibly even in theaters.

Why might I want to participate?

The best answer would be because you want to. On a very personal level, you might want people to know what you are going through. You might want to share your experience to help others going through divorce. You might want to enhance public understanding of divorce. Perhaps the filming would be cathartic for you. It’s possible the documentary might help you understand your experience better. But the best reason is simply that you want to.

What would the filming involve?

All the parties to your divorce settlement procedure will be asked to sign a simple but legally binding agreement allowing my company, Kate Hudec Films LLC, to film you, your spouse and the mediator undergoing the process of a divorce mediation, as well as personal interviews with each of you, and to allow the film we make to be shown. A two-person crew (camera and sound) would film all your mediation sessions. You would participate in several sit-down interviews, individually, with me, in which you would share the story of your marriage and your experience of its end, as well as share photos and/or videos of your wedding and your life with your spouse.

Would this film broadcast before my divorce is final?

The film would not be broadcast prior to the finalization of your divorce without your written approval, and both parties would agree not to use the film for any subsequent court proceedings or other legal purposes.

What if I’m interested, but my spouse isn’t?

Both parties need to be interested to make this program.

What should we do if we’re interested?

Call Diane Neumann 617-964-7485.